*This is now offered at retail price for $60/month/bouquet. Official CSA pricing of $40/month/bouquet ended March 1st.
It's our 7th year offering the Community Supported Ag program in subscription form! HOORAY! We continue to curate the program to serve the needs of local community. Once we receive your order, we will reach out through email with finalized pick up dates and general timing. Dates may shift on a monthly basis. We confirm through email and text about pick up dates and timing monthly.
*NEW! We are adding back the months of May & October, but the price per month stayed the same at $40/month. So this year the CSA share begins in May and ends in October for pick up once a month at the farm inside The Little Blue Barn Farm Stand (air-conditioned). Farm pick up ONLY. This is for a large, multi-flower bouquet with accent flowers, aromatic fillers and diverse colors.
We have a variety of CSA program choices this year! Please review and make your selection. We will confirm all orders in email with additional information. In early March 2024, we will connect about the program. In late April we will notify you of our first pick up date in May for the monthly program.
*Gift Certificate: If you are purchasing this CSA share as a gift, click here for a printable gift certificate. Yay!
- Pick Up Location: Barnswallow. 2560 Highway 23, Oskaloosa, IA 52577
- Pick Up Day and Time: To Be Finalized each month from May - October
I agree to the CSA Terms & Conditions on the CSA FAQ's page as provided on the Barnswallow Flowers website.